Acute Stress Disorder Treatment Clinic
Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) is a mental health condition that can develop during the first month of a devastating experience. ASD symptoms are similar to PTSD symptoms, however, PTSD symptoms must be persistent for more than one month. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Vero Beach FL, Jacksonville FL, Boynton Beach FL, Palm Beach Gardens FL, Stuart FL, Royal Palm Beach FL, Plantation FL, Port St. Lucie FL, and Melbourne FL.

Table of Contents:
What are the symptoms of acute stress disorder?
How is acute stress disorder different from PTSD?
How long can acute stress disorder last?
Does acute stress disorder turn into PTSD?
Acute stress disorder (ASD) is a psychological condition that occurs in the immediate aftermath of a traumatic event or experience. Those who develop ASD may experience symptoms such as re-experiencing the traumatic event, avoidance of triggers associated with the event, negative mood and affect, dissociative symptoms, and arousal symptoms such as hyper-vigilance and increased startle response; all of which can be detrimental to day-to-day life.
If you’re looking for support in diagnosing or treating acute stress disorder, contact us at Psychiatry of the Palm Beaches or book in online to schedule an appointment. Our team is professional, and effective, and always works with compassion and comfort at the forefront.
Acute stress disorder is a mental health condition that develops after exposure to a traumatic event, with symptoms typically appearing within a month of the trauma and lasting for a few weeks to a month. Symptoms include:
• Avoidance behaviors, such as avoiding places or people that trigger memories.
• Difficulty concentrating or remembering things.
• Flashbacks or dissociative episodes are where the person relives the traumatic event.
• Hyperarousal is where the person experiences heightened reactions to their surroundings, such as being easily startled or having difficulty sleeping.
• Intense anxiety, fear, or distress when exposed to reminders of the event.
• Intrusive thoughts or memories of the traumatic event.
• Negative changes in mood, such as feeling numb, detachment, or guilt.
• Physical symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, or muscle tension.
• Recurrent nightmares about the event
The main difference between acute stress disorder (ASD) and PTSD is the time frame, as ASD is diagnosed within the first month after a traumatic event while PTSD is diagnosed if the symptoms last for over a month.
This means that if a person develops symptoms after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, they may receive a diagnosis of ASD initially, but if the symptoms persist for over a month, their diagnosis may change to PTSD.
Another key difference between these two disorders is the severity and type of symptoms experienced.
People with ASD may experience a range of symptoms, including dissociation, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts, but these symptoms tend to be more short-lived and may resolve within a few days to a few weeks. On the other hand, people with PTSD may experience similar symptoms, but they tend to be more severe and persistent.
ASD symptoms typically develop within four weeks of the traumatic event and last for up to one month. As such, ASD is considered a time-limited disorder and typically resolves on its own within a few weeks with professional intervention.
However, it’s important to note that if symptoms persist beyond a month, you may have developed PTSD or another related mental health condition and should seek professional help as soon as possible.
Some studies have shown that a significant percentage of those who experience ASD may go on to develop PTSD.
In fact, one study found that up to 80% of people who met the diagnostic criteria for ASD went on to develop PTSD, while other studies have found that the risk is around 20% to 30%.
It’s important to note that not everyone who experiences ASD will go on to develop PTSD, and there are effective treatments available for both disorders. However, early intervention is crucial in preventing the progression of ASD to PTSD which is why it’s important to seek help as soon as possible.
The exact reasons why some people develop PTSD after experiencing ASD while others don’t isn’t yet clear.
Researchers have proposed several factors that may contribute to the development of PTSD such as the severity of the trauma, the presence of other mental health conditions, genetic susceptibility, and environmental factors such as social support and coping mechanisms.
If you’d like more information about our acute stress disorder treatment options, contact us at Psychiatry of the Palm Beaches or book online to schedule an appointment. Our professional team would be happy to support you in working through your traumatic events so that you can get back to feeling your best. We have convenient locations to serve you. We serve patients from Boynton Beach FL, Delray Beach FL, Palm Beach Gardens FL, Jupiter FL, Stuart FL, Palm City FL, Royal Palm Beach FL, Wellington FL, Vero Beach FL, Citrus Ridge FL, Plantation FL, Sunrise FL, Jacksonville FL, Riverside FL, Port St. Lucie, Beau Rivage West FL, Melbourne FL, Palm Bay FL, and surrounding areas.

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Mental Wellness
▸ Relationship Coaching
▸ Depression and Mood Disorders
▸ Women’s Health
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▸ Medications Management
▸ Men’s Health
▸ Individual Psychotherapy
▸ Bipolar
▸ Geriatric Mental Health
▸ Life Coaching
▸ Couple’s Counseling
▸ Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
▸ Social Phobia Treatment
▸ Eating Disorders
▸ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
▸ Psychotic Disorders